Search Results | hiv aids in the united states

Your search for "hiv aids in the united states" returned 61 results

Can People Get Bone Marrow Transplants From Baboons?

A baboon transplant sounds like something from fiction, but a doctor really attempted it. Read why a baboon transplant was risked and the results.

10 Diseases That Used to Be Death Sentences

Some diseases used to kill millions of people, but not any longer. Learn about 10 diseases that used to be death sentences from HowStuffWorks.

Common Birth Defects

Knowing about common birth defects can help you prepare for your new baby. Learn about common birth defects at Discovery Health.

What happens to chimps used in medical research?

Chimpanzee research dates back to the 1920s with Robert Yerkes. Learn what happens in chimpanzee research and why some countries ban the practice.

15 Most Common Causes of Death in the World

You just never know how you're gonna go, but this list might help narrow it down. Learn about the 15 most common causes of death in the world.

Are circumcisions really necessary?

Is circumcision necessary? Signs point to no, although there are valid reasons for circumcision. Learn why some think circumcision isn't necessary.

How to Prevent Harmful Infections

The bacteria and viruses that cause harmful infections are lurking everywhere. Avoid dangerous infections by following these important tips.

Ultimate Guide to Elmo

Elmo, the furry red Muppet on 'Sesame Street,' is the most recognized children's character in the United States. Read this in-depth look at Elmo.

10 Widely Believed U.S. Government Conspiracy Theories

There are a few U.S. government conspiracy theories that many people believe. See this list of 10 theories to decide for yourself.

How the American Red Cross Works

After Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf Coast of the United States, most of us saw what the Red Cross can do -- and what it cannot do. But the Katrina disaster isn't the first sign of conflict in the ranks of this humanitarian organization. Learn about the functions and history of the American Red Cross.

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